Tag Archives: Drug Barons in Kenya
Drug Barons in Kenya: The politics of the Mysterious Demagogues
Drug Barons in Kenya? Do you ever wonder why some people manage to make International headlines? Aren’t they demagogues? Mention the phrase ‘Drug Barons in Kenya’
and you know what? Two things start revolving ecstatically in my mind.
Firstly, I imagine an exciting scenario of unfolding events of a thrilling and yet captivating movie that is reminiscent of Holly Wood scenes.’ I then anticipate a finale of the unknown. Oh my goodness! What’s it going to be? ‘Is it the making of a Hero or a Heroine, or the slain of a villain?’ It’s obviously not the Titanic.
Drug Barons in Kenya and the mystery of the narcotic gods and goddesses
I will be quick to retract the word, ‘exciting’, since it’s no longer a hidden truth that the mighty also cry and agonize. Drug Barons in Kenya have always been portrayed as mysterious gods and goddesses of narcotics. ‘It strikes me how untouchable some of these Lords can be’. For how long is this going to be?
How do I mean? And what then is the linkage in these mysteries of the narcotics?