Tag Archives: Kenyan Military

Kenyan Military; the unique change of guard in Kenya’s history

Kenyan Military

Kenyan Military

Time memorial the revered, prestigious and colorful men of the uniformed Army, yet adorned with peculiar but symbolic rankings on their official Kenyan Military attire, become a shudder of nostalgic reckoning as the curtains finally fall for the unique change of guard.

The commander in Chief of the armed forces who by extension is the President of the republic of Kenya authoritatively exercises his power of appointing the apparent successor of retiring General Kiangi; this is the man to be in charge of the Kenyan Military defense forces. He doesn’t stop at that but effectively assembles a top list of Kenyan Military hierarchy.

“Kibaki juggles ethnic balance, seniority and experience, and the need to preserve Kenyan Military tradition of rotational command,” a local newspaper reported.

Kenyan Military and the tribal factor

“Historically, the Kenyan Military hierarchy was dominated by particular tribe which was perceived to be a reflection of the top brace of leadership. The spirit and letter of the current constitution prescribes otherwise. It is significantly interesting to see that the commander in chief cautiously but instructively juggled to inject some ethnic balance.